Terms Of Service

This Terms of Service (TOS) agreement is an agreement between hostgill.com ("hostgill.com ", "us", "we", "our") and you ("Customer", "Client", "Member", "you", "your”, "they"). Use of any hostgill.com services constitutes acceptance and agreement to this Terms of Service (TOS) agreement as well as the hostgill.com Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and Privacy Policy.

HOSTGILL reserves the right to terminate this TOS for any reason or no reason. HOSTGILL treserves the right to refuse service to anyone.


The features and details of the Services governed by this TOS are described on our website at "hostgill.com ". Throughout this TOS, the aspects of the Services provided to you by hostgill.com , are referred to together as the "Service." Certain parts of the Service may be provided by third party vendors. These third parties may have reserved the right to make changes, including material changes, to their products and incorporated into our Service. If a third party makes a change to its products, you may not terminate this TOS based on such a change, even if it materially affects the Service.

Banned Services:

All the following services are banned on HOSTGILL:


HOSTGILL cannot be held liable for system down time, crashes or data loss. We cannot be held liable for any predicated estimate of profits which a client would have gained if their site was functioning. Certain services provided by HOSTGILL are resold. Thus, certain equipment, routing, software and programming used by HOSTGILL are not directly owned or written by HOSTGILL. Moreover, HOSTGILL holds no responsibility for the use of our clients' accounts. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions will result in the automatic deactivation of the account in question. We reserve the right to remove any account, without advance notice for any reason without restitution, as HOSTGILL sees fit.